how to navigate my finances God’s way
10-week small-group study includes learning Biblical principles, useful practical assignments and group interaction
Financial discipleship journey | Level 2 “LEARN”
Navigating finances God’s way online study benefits

At this step of the Financial discipleship journey my benefits are not only financial. I devote time to study the Bible, gain full advantage of Compass’ advice and develop new habits. When I accept Christ as Saviour I also make Him Lord. I want my finances to align with the Word of God.
I expect that my benefits include:
• Developing a closer walk with the Lord
• Increasing my Bible study time
• Greater commitment to praying for people
• Reduction in debt and overspending
• Better financial skills and wiser financial decisions
• Increased savings and so on.
So, I want to continue my Financial discipleship journey and navigate my finances God’s way NOW!
How it works online
The study first asks you to use your online workbook each day and respond to the questions. It will take 15 minutes or more if you want to pray and meditate about the topic. This is the first stage in discovering what you believe the Bible has to say about navigating finances God’s way.
Then when you meet with your Compass study group in Zoom, you will hear from the other members, so that you develop an understanding of how others have responded.
Finally, at the beginning of each module you will be asked to go back and read some helpful notes that we have prepared on the previous week’s module. We have found that this approach works well and rightly ensures that there is a focus on what God’s Word is revealing to you and your group. We trust you will find our insights helpful and a blessing.
Navigating finances God’s way online study unique approach
1. Getting the Bible wisdom on money
Each day I will take 15+ minutes to teach specific passages of Scripture on each topic – ownership, financial decisions, work and income, debt and guarantee for others, partnerships and investments, savings and counsel, honesty and parenting on money topics, financial decisions in crisis and my destiny in eternity. I will understand God’s will and be able to apply biblical principles to navigate my finances God’s way.
3. Memorizing Scriptures
Paul instructs us in Colossians 3:16 to: “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly” while in Psalm 119:11 the psalmist says: “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” In each module I will find a key memory verse to memorise each verse as this will help you remember the most important principles. I believe that this will influence my financial decisions and protect me in the hard and troubling times.
2. Doing practical applications
In every module I will do a practical financial exercise, such as beginning a budget or designing a debt repayment programme. I will definitely improve my financial decision-making skills!
4. Praying and receiving prayer back
Everyone prays for the other group members every day. Answers to prayers are one of the most encouraging results of the Compass study experience.
Why “Navigating finances God’s way” small group study has been a blessing for decades
Here is what co-founder of Compass Ministries and author of the popular book “Your money counts” Howard Dayton says
Next level in Financial Discipleship Journey – APPLY
What does God have in store for me next? How can I turn my biblical knowledge into a lifestyle of financial discipleship?