
is following Jesus’ teachings and His example with three outcomes:
to know Christ more intimately
to be free to serve Him
to help to fulfill the Great Commission.


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What is Financial discipleship?

Financial discipleship means:

• Honouring God as the owner of everything, (Lordship).
• Being good stewards of His resources, (Stewardship).
• Sharing what we are entrusted with for His purposes.
• Passing on what we have learned to others. (Discipleship) 

What is the journey of Financial Discipleship?

The video below explain the Biblical foundation for the ideas of the journey:

Jesus calls us to experience his love and power in every area of life, including our finances. The journey of financial discipleship begins with recognising and understanding why the Bible focuses so much on the issue of money and financial choices. Discover more…

Jesus wants us to know biblical truth about every area of our lives, including ownership and debt, spending and earning, responding to crisis and financially educating our children. The journey of financial discipleship continues in learning how to navigate our finances God’s way. Learn more…

Jesus wants our faith to be shown in our actions, including money matters and financial decisions. Therefore, the journey of financial discipleship continues in the application of knowledge of biblical principles – in changing our way of life, in creating right habits. Apply more…

Jesus commissioned us not to stop at making changes in our lives, but to contribute to the expansion of His Kingdom, including in the area of finances. The journey of financial discipleship continues as we share, helping others to experience God’s love in their finances. Share more…

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Book by Peter Briscoe

To further explore the importance of financial discipleship for any Christian who wants to do God’s will and have life in the fullness of God, we recommend reading Peter Briscoe’s book Financial Discipleship.

The Lord’s commission to us is to “Go and make disciples, teaching
them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:20)
If we are not teaching people how to handle their finances God’s way,
then we are omitting a large part of His teaching

Peter Briscoe “Financial Discipleship”